Car Ferry to Isla Mujeres

The departure point for the car ferry from Cancun to Isla Mujeres is Punta Sam.
To reach Punta Sam you have to drive along Avenida Bonampak in the heart of Cancun to Puerto Juarez direction, once passing port juarez you have to drive about 10 minutes straight ahead up to Punta Sam.

Ferry schedules Punta Sam to Isla Mujeres are Saturday through Tuesday at 8 hrs, 11 hrs, 14: 45, 17:30 hrs and 20:15 hrs Wednesday and Thursday and Friday, 8, 11, 1: 30, 16 : 15 18: 30 and 21: 00 hrs

Isla Mujeres to Punta Sam Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays the hours are 6: 30, 9: 30, 12: 45, 16: 15 and 19:15 pm Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 6: 30, 9: 15, 12 : 15 and 15: 00, 17: 00 and 20: 00 hrs
Phone (998) 877 00 65