There is a Maya site north of the city of Cancun, Quintana Roo little known . This site is known as the "Meco" and is located 5 km north of Cancun, and you can access it in two ways, one is the old road to Punta Sam and the other the new road that connects the municipalities Benito Juarez and Isla Mujeres (the mainland).

El Meco Archaeological Zone, Mexican Caribbean

The site covers 650 m long in north-south and 200 m east-west, although the area explored and restored for tourism is small. The first track from the archaeological site made so that the part which is towards the coast has unexplored. Inside the ruins of El Meco can see the tallest building and the largest metropolitan area of Cancun, its location right across from Isla Mujeres suggests a close relationship between the people of this city with the island. The area is a square with ceremonial functions and policies, and about palace and administrative structures.

In El Meco are located several structures, the first is the Castle, with square base and four bodies, and is accompanied by a temple with a tripartite entrance. Shots of figures with snakes do recall the style of Castillo at Chichen Itza, and the sides are located what may be a temple and residential buildings or administration. The structure 8 in El Meco is a long building with a row of columns that have sustained a flat roof, administrative buildings whose functions have been similar to the structure 5. Finally a huge palace west of Castle still has its columns, this would have been the site of political and administrative activities.

El Meco Archaeological Zone, Mexican Caribbean

Walking The Meco is an adventure, deep into the past and discover the magic of the Mayan sites, given the importance of their buildings permit is required to visit the National Institute of Archaeology and History. One advantage of the place is that it can easily be combined with a day in one of the nearby beaches, and good food, preferably fish in any of the bars that can be found across the road.