This place has some impressive caves whose size and lighting highlights the beautiful rock formations. The crystal clear waters and draft this cenote are perfect for taking a dip. Here you can see stalactites and vivid turquoise waters illuminated by natural light that penetrates through a hole in the center of the dome. The water is shallow and is so clean and clear, seen many fish and can swim. The cenote Dzitnup, also known as "Xkeken", an area of rare beauty.

It belongs to the municipality of Valladolid, Mexico. Its entrance is narrow and the descent is undertaken by a well carved rock stairs that lead to a place that is accessible to the only Hall of cavity .In her is a turquoise blue lake, decorated with stalactites descending from the ceiling . This effect causes duplicate images thanks to its crystal clear water reflecting, creating a spectacular beauty .its allowed to swim with precaution due to low water temperatures, should suffer cramps or may not be absorbed to some existing currents below the rock formation.

Cenote Xkeken Valladolid Yucatán

To get to Cenote, take the Mérida-Valladolid road number 180, three kilometers before arriving at Valladolid, there is a deviation from the right, it leads to the town of Dzitnup, this place runs two kilometers to reach the cenote. In the city of Valladolid's provincial style hotels and good places to eat.

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